Mid-year reboot

Here’s the thing. Putting CEO time in your calendar should be a non-negotiable. But it’s so easy to forget, make excuses or just “never get around to it”

Reviewing and planning is boring (there – I said it).

Goal setting is boring.

Boring but essential.

How often have you noticed that when you want something, like REALLY want something – like a new dress that’s a bit out of your reach price-wise or a dream holiday or a health goals – that you just find ways to make those things happen?

You put a plan in place.

You have that goal in your mind.

You work towards it.

Business is the same but I can not believe the amount of people who never set goals. Or they set goals but never make a plan.

However – I got you.

  • We’ll take a 6 month pulse check where we’ll go through your high fives and dollar signs.
  • We’ll look at your soul tolls and ethical goals so we can redesign a business that lights you up in the second half of 2023.
  • We’ll spend some time doing imagination jam and future glam – what’s going to set YOU apart from everyone else?
  • Lastly, we’ll check-in and create a 2023 roadmap and close the gap – I probably don’t need to explain that one.

This is a fast-paced and fun-packed session. Click below to watch it now.

Watch the session