- Become consistent and radically honest in your messaging so that your people align with you and see you as someone they trust to do business with. No more vanilla marketing!
- Get your hands on my efficient content strategy framework which places you as the go-to person, helping you to free up time for your other big projects. After all, no one wants to spend ALL their time on socials.
- I’ll teach you how to use AI to streamline your content production, creating blog posts, videos, workshops, workbooks, and help you write sales pages.
- Use videos and reels to showcase your expertise and explode your reach without any pointing, dancing or lip-syncing.
- Let’s not forget about offline marketing. How can you spread the word about your business without selling your soul to social media?
Content Mastery
Powerful content pillars (14 mins)
Using AI to leverage your content (22 mins)
Rock your “about me” page (28 mins)
Show Up and Shine Online
Show Up and Shine Online (full module)
Using Reels in your Marketing Strategy
Why bother with Reels? + workbook (4 mins)
A few stats (2 mins)
Where do reels fit into your marketing? (1 min)
How to get big reach (26 mins)
What to share (9 mins)
Over to you – research and next steps (8 mins)
Email 101: From Zero to Inbox Hero
Email list building strategies
Boost your open rates
Writing great emails that people want to read
Rave Reviews: Showcase Your Clients, Grow Your Business
Why do this work? (6mins)
8 things to remember (5min30)
How to collect (5min45)
Where to share (2min30)
Identify transformative moments (3min30)
Value-add case study structure (6mins)
Construct your own case study (15mins)
Getting awesome testimonials – framework for your clients (8min30)
Your Rinse & Repeat Marketing Strategy
Your Rinse & Repeat Marketing Strategy (full module)
Plan 6 months of socials
6 month socials – planning session